Assalammualaikum, welcome to my blog. I am Nur Aqila Saliha. Islam is my life. I love Allah, Rasullah, Al-Quran and more. Alhamdulillah, now Im 11 years old. Insha'Allah I have a lot of follower like Lyssa Faizuren, Nabila Medan and Faqihah Husni. Pray for my excellence in UPKK. You can leave some note in my chatbox. Syukran.
Tutorial : Salji cantik turun
14 December 2011 | 7:01 pm | 0 candies

Assalammualaikum , harini nk ajar tutorial
salji turun style best :D

ikut tutorial ni

login--> design--> edit html

search code bawah ni
tekan CRTL serentak dengan F


dah jumpa ? dah jumpa bagus , copy code bawah ni pulak.

<script src=';ver=1322079647' type='text/javascript'/><script src=';ver=1.7.1' type='text/javascript'/><script src=';ver=20111128' type='text/javascript'/>

paste code atas ni dekat bawah code 'head'

Then save , kalau jadi comment
kalau tk jadi pun comment